Jennifer Oneal Gunn

Tortured Souls
The Story of Jake and Holly Book 2
Revenging the Evil Series
Swiftly, she ran down the darkened hallway toward the staircase leading to the upper floors of a sterile hell. Three floors above her, the bell tower sat undisturbed in the darkness of the wooden shaft surrounded by the stone exterior of the Fair Acres building. Holly knew she was trapped within its walls without a means of escape. She glanced around at her surroundings as her feet hit the cold cement floors of the basement level. There was a row of black metal doors on each side of the hallway she was in. Each door had a tiny window to view the person trapped inside. The overhead lights were sparse and dim. Behind her, she heard screeching which turned her blood cold and made her move faster. As she looked for a place to hide, Holly glanced around, turning her head, scratching her scalp. Not only did her head itch but her skin did too. The electrode marks on her temples stung and the patches of dry skin where they once were flaked.
Holly reached the stairs to the upper levels not having found a place to hide. She decided to climb the steps and go back to her room; a place where she could at least be alone with her terrified thoughts. Reaching the top of the staircase, she looked through the tiny window in the door to the main floor. Her heart raced in her chest. She saw no one moving about in the hallway. The darkness poured in around the place, hidden were the inner demons, in the shadows cast by the walls. She wrenched open the heavy door and slowly crept into the dimly lit hallway, trying not to slip or squeak across the tile floors. She gently ran her hand along the white paint on the walls, guiding herself toward her room. Her brown eyes filled with tears as she got near the door to her sanctuary in hell. She opened the door and silently entered the place of nightmares. In the dark, as her watery eyes adjusted, she found her bed; a cold steel frame with the fluff of an old camp mattress, a moth-ridden scratchy gray wool blanket, and a pillow filled with down feathers that stuck out of the material it was sewn into. Holly sat on the bed with her head in her hands, sobbing as the tears flowed down her face.
A few minutes passed and Holly let her emotions out until she finally realized she had to figure out how to escape the horrid ammonia, copper, and feces smells along with the crusted paint falling all around her. This ancient place with its decay and rotten wasted spaces wasn’t her home or her family. She stopped crying and looked around in the dark. She remembered the words she transcribed in blood on the wall she sat up against. Jake wouldn’t want to know what she wrote and it would break his heart to see it. Maybe someday she would tell him. For now, she couldn’t think of the copper smell of her own blood or the memory of her first night and the utter sadness running through her mind when she cut herself and wrote the tome into the shedding layers of paint behind her. She had to think of how she was going to be freed of the sheer madness of the place. These people thought she was one of them. Was she insane and her whole life with the man she loved been nothing but a dream? No. Jake was real. The night he saved her was real. Her son was real. Her son...her baby boy. He was definitely real.
I have to get the hell out of here! I need help. What do I do? This flea-infested, piss-soaked, shit-box has to have an exit I can get out of. I just have to find it!
Holly narrowed her eyes as she thought about all the ways she might be able to get out. She pictured the doors, she saw the cameras and the guards. Fat fucking bastards! She saw them fiddle with their keys. A thought crept into her mind then she pushed it away. She knew she couldn’t pretend to like one of them to get those keys. They’d beat the hell out of her and probably worse.
Holly smashed her eyes tightly together and thought of Jake. I need him right now! Goddamn it, Jake if you can hear me, I NEED YOU! HELP ME! PLEASE!
“Holly, wake up!” Jake said. “Holly Mae, if you can hear me, please wake up!”
“What the—” Holly said, stirring from sleep. “What’s going on?”
Jake hugged his bride. “Oh, my god, woman. I-I saw something so horrible. So horrible.” He began to rock back and forth holding onto Holly.
“Jake, what the hell are you talking about?” She was confused.
“I saw it. I saw you in the asylum scared out of your mind, calling for me,” he said softly, his heart pounding.
“I’m right here, baby. With you.” She stroked his cheek. “Right here.”
“You know how my dreams are…they—” he said still holding her tightly against his chest.
“I know. We can only try to find out how and where so we can try to stop it. Baby, I don’t what’s going to happen or when, but we’ll face it. You know we will.”
“I don’t want to lose you,” he said.
“Never,” Holly said, clinging to her husband.

Fire, Ice & Blood
The Story of Jake and Holly Book 1
Revenging the Evil Series
Summer 2012:
Chase stood in front of a Victorian house with paint peeling, the grass had grown up several feet in front of the house, the windows were broken, and graffiti marking the front. The once trimmed hedges out front made it look more like a large ramshackle immobile beast with its carved teeth squeaking. It was bad enough that everyone in town knew of the ghost stories about the place, but the damage from the neighborhood heathens was worse.
As the summer breeze blew through Chase’s dirty blond hair, his green eyes sparkled while he stood on the sidewalk in front of the scariest place his parents ever told him about. He was told, his mom’s last night here at this house was the start of their real relationship and eventually the marriage of his parents; his dad saved her life that night.
His mother, a beautiful, almond eyed, raven haired, olive complexioned woman who loved to smile; would often glide her petite frame across the floor when she thought no one was looking. She was sassy when she wanted to be but also loved her family fiercely. She told Chase the story of how she and his father got together many times over the years. It felt like something was always off about the whole thing. It was like she left out a few details or there was something she didn’t know. As Chase stood looking at the old place, he felt the vibrations of the ghosts that still remained in the residence after all this time.
His father, Jake, a family man with a few small secrets, always warned him to never go near the place. Chase used to ask him why and all his dad would say, it wasn’t safe. He didn’t tell Chase it was because he was like his dad and had the power to see things with his mind. Although, that part he figured out for himself when he was younger and kept having strange dreams about people he never knew. Then, watching the news later in the day, Chase would see the people from his dreams in murder photos on the screen flashing through their deaths as if he were standing in the room watching. Once, he awoke from a vision screaming about how he had killed someone. His dad surmised it felt so real to him, he thought he’d actually stabbed someone. It used to upset his mom so he stopped telling her about it and would only tell his dad. Jake understood because it always happened to him too. They shared many stories over the years.
Blinking furiously, Chase decided to enter the house, get to the bottom of the mystery about the ghosts, and maybe even find a way to help the tortured souls rest. As he got closer, the vibes he felt were stronger, he could feel the pain of death from within the walls. It made his heart race as the pain felt of jagged needles flowing through his veins ending up in his chest as the racing continued. His body was filled with the tiny jabbing of thousands of knives from head to toe. For a minute he staggered, reaching for the hedge, waiting for the sensations to die down. He stomped a path in the tall grass and made his way to the porch. The rafters were falling in toward the back and the floorboards were creaking in places that weren’t broken or breaking. He teetered on the creaking mass of old wood as he stood looking at the front door. As he made his way closer, he shuddered, as if it were only thirty degrees, even though it was still eighty degrees in the evening and the light was beginning to fade into the west.
Chase peeked in through the glass portion of the front door to the enormous house. He saw the walls still held the replica paintings of Neo-Classical art depicting angelic scenes with the wingback chairs, chaise lounge, and plush sofa still in place; decay and dust was evident even through the filthy window. No one came to claim the belongings of the people who had once lived and died here.
Chase stomped his way from the porch, through the tall grass, and into the back yard of the apartment house. His dad told him there was a door that lead down to the first floor kitchen. It was as good a place as any to start learning about the ghosts.
Once located, the door stood with its paint peeling and glass severely cracked. The door, like most objects, stood silent in the light of day without anyone around to see or hear the ghosts who constantly opened and shut the door; trying to get the attention of anyone they could. The ghosts, hidden within the house, wanted out but couldn’t leave. They were trapped there; inside their mausoleum.
The piercing silence and the light breeze was all Chase could sense. The breeze died down, as he moved closer to his objective. He stood in front of the door, took off his t-shirt and wrapped it around his tanned hand. He bashed in the glass of the already severely broken pane in the door. After unwrapping his hand, he shook the broken shards from the cotton shirt, hearing them tinkle on the ground for only a moment. He replaced the t-shirt, put his hand inside the gaping hole, and unlocked the door. As he opened the hard wooden door, a cold breeze engulfed him.
Chase entered quickly and shut himself inside a house he was scared to be in. He’d heard too many stories, his mom told him about the slit throat of Cheryl the writer, and his dad told him about the face being ripped off the landlord, the whole thing was a horrific tale of brutal truth. Five out of the six patrons of the place died in one night. One damned night, but why? His mom and dad still didn’t know why the murders took place. No one that came onto the scene after it was over could tell them a thing, it was just gruesome and they were lucky to be alive.