Jennifer Oneal Gunn
Newest Book Available!
The Revenging the Evil Series--Omnibus Version

Titles available on Amazon:
About Me

Jennifer Oneal Gunn lives with the youngest of her two kids in Missouri.
Her titles include Mystik Legends, Devil's in the Details- Reboot, Fire, Ice & Blood (1),The Heart of a Woman (Poetry), Squishy Face and the Moon (Children’s), Tortured Souls (2), The Story of Jake and Holly--A Novella (5), No Matter What (3), Freed From the Past (4) Broken Things, Blood, Sweat & Tears: The Dark Flower, Mystik Legends: Pandora's Story, Revenging the Evil Series--Omnibus Version.
Upcoming Projects

My upcoming projects list includes: The Truth About Poets, Atonia-Into the Gates of Hell, Revenging the Evil--In Between 1, Unloved, The Witching Hour: The Witch's Rise.
It's 2025!
It's been a minute since we've been over here, but the publishing hasn't stopped for Jen!
Since 2022, Jen published the remaining books of the Revenging the Evil Series, a short story book, a poetry book, Pandora's Story, ATONIA: LET IT BLEED, and the omnibus version of the entire Revenging the Evil Series.
No worries. She's still alive and well. Publishing the stories she loves to write for the few who love them! ​
The Story of Jake and Holly is now available for purchase!
NEWS FOR 2021!
Broken Things horror anthology released on Halloween 2021!
The Story of Jake and Holly is now available for purchase!

Indeed, my wish is coming true! Tortured Souls will be published soon! It's taking longer than I wanted, but good things come to those who wait.
I've been working hard on my freelance career, this past year has went by fast. So, I didn't have time to inform you that I've been revising my books.
Right now, I am excited to tell you about the re-release of my favorite horror novel, Mystik Legends! I'm hoping for a January release.
The forth of July is upon us! Have fun celebrating, but remember to be safe! Happy Birthday, CANADA! I know it was a few days ago now, but still yet, it's an occasion to celebrate also!
August 2019
This is the year! Tortured Souls is finally released to the reading public! I know it's been a long wait. Hopefully, you'll believe me when I say, I believe the wait was worth it. Go. Read. Enjoy!

The Story of Jake and Holly
A Novella
Jake Loughlin is a man of many paranormal abilities, ones he uses to save the love of his life from certain death at the hands of a serial killer.

Tortured Souls
Revenging the Evil Series Book 2
Jake and Holly are in it again. No one told Holly she had powers. Nor did they explain what dangers lie in befriending people. Sometimes the innocent face of a smiling friend can be calculating a demise so sinister it leads to murder.
Will Jake be able to save Holly this time or will she have to save herself? Only time will tell if Holly has the ability inside her to forge ahead.
Available now on Amazon.com and Draft2Digital!
Fire, Ice & Blood
Revenging the Evil Series Book 1

Jake Loughlin is special, extraordinary, in fact. He's been using his power of premonition since he was a kid, but the night he used his gift to save his Holly was the night he was changed forever. No one ever forgets murder.
Now, he and Holly have a family. Along with their son Chase, Jake lays ghosts to rest using his visions and magic. One deadly soul seeks them out above the rest and the Loughlin's must decide what to do next.
Does Jake win this fight and save Holly from the world's most dangerous soul?

Personal note to Jennifer's fans and readers:
Hello, Jen here! Welcome to the site!
This is usually the place to find tidbits and writing, things I want to share with you. I've had this site since sometime in 2010. And I wish it was a bit more interactive than it is, but, can't be too choosy about it, I suppose.
Some of you have followed me a long time and know that writing is quite the passion for me, as much as I would say, breathing is something we must do, so is writing. A truly creative soul never gives in to the parts of it that bait us, the parts that make us want to stop, we will NEVER be able to, until our hands don't work anymore, we will create. We were born with this nature festering inside us like a sadistic disease.
I know many who wish they could stop, have even tried, and simply come back to the familiar bindings of being a creative, it's all we know.
I would like to formally introduce you to another side of myself...she is part of me that is given over to the dark side. After most of my life, she finally has a name. Aziraphale the Angel of Deth (Yes, spelled just that way, on purpose. Kind of like Megadeth but not.) Some of you know her by a different name, Mistress of the Macabre. She isn't currently pictured here, I thought I would do you a favor and let you use your imagination. Let's put it this way, she is all that is dark, evil, transcendent of death itself, and she will cut you if you mess with her. (Sometimes, that alternative person that lives inside you must come out. For me, it's in the form of horror.)
Keep having a look around and enjoy this site!